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Acne and pimples that just won’t go away can be incredibly frustrating. If you find yourself asking, "Why won’t my acne go away?", just know that it’s common for many different types of acne to be stubborn.

Acne occurs when dead skin and oil clog your hair follicles. Unwelcomed whiteheads, blackheads, papules, pustules, and nodules can pop up at any time and linger for a while. Here, we dissect 10 ways to clear up your skin as quickly as possible.

1. Understand the type of acne you have.

In order to clear up acne, it’s important to find out what type of pimples you have so you can treat them appropriately. Whiteheads and blackheads (also known as comedones) form when a hair follicle becomes clogged with dirt, oil, and dead skin cells. Papules are comedones that become irritated and create small bumps on your skin, whereas pustules are typically filled with yellow pus. Nodules present as bumps that are hard to the touch.

2. Treat your specific type of acne with the right products.

To treat blackheads and whiteheads, you can try using a retinoid. Try an over-the-counter product first, like proactiv’s Adapalene Gel 0.1%, and if the problem persists, your doctor can prescribe a stronger formula for you. You can also use a face wash with benzoyl peroxide twice per day, which can help papules and pustules as well. Nodules form deep under the skin, and you’ll need the help of a dermatologist to treat them.

3. Give acne treatment time to work.

Have a pimple that won’t go away? Most products won’t magically get rid of a pimple overnight, as skincare takes time, but for an emergency situation, you can try using Proactiv Emergency Acne Blemish Relief. Consistency with your acne routine is key.

4. Pay attention to the directions.

When the instructions say to use just a pea-sized drop of a retinoid, they say that for a reason. As tempting as it is to give into the idea that ‘more is better’, when it comes to potent skincare ingredients, less is more. Make sure you read and follow the directions on how to clear up acne and your acne treatment to avoid drying and other irritations that may happen with over-use.

5. Wash your face twice per day and after sweating.

Washing your face morning and night (and after you sweat) is an important step in an anti-acne regimen. If you have acne-prone skin or just a pimple that won’t go away, use a face wash with benzoyl peroxide to help remove dirt, oil, and bacteria. This way, your pores will stay clean.

6. Exfoliate.

There are many benefits of exfoliating acne-prone skin. Whether you experience blackheads, whiteheads, or other types of pimples on your face, removing dead skin cells and excess oil through exfoliation will help to unclog your pores.

7. Check the ingredients in your makeup.

Just like your skincare products, you should make sure that your cosmetics won’t clog your pores. Look for the terms, "won’t clog pores," "non-comedogenic," "non-acnegenic," and "oil free" on packaging.

8. Don't pick your pimples.

Even if you have a glaring whitehead, don’t pick or pop it! Picking or attempting to pop a zit can make it worse and lead to scabs, scarring, and dark spots.

9. Keep your pillowcases clean.

Each night when you lay your head down to rest, you could be clogging your pores with all the dirt, oil, sweat, and bacteria from your pillowcase. Experts recommend washing your pillowcase every two days. In this case, the more the better!

10. Enlist a dermatologist’s help.

There’s a lot you can do to help clear up acne and stubborn pimples that won’t go away, but if you’ve tried it all and given treatments the appropriate amount of time and it’s still not working, we recommend consulting a dermatologist. In the end, enlisting a skin expert can ensure you’re using the right products for your type of acne and help you get rid of it for good.