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Acne: Not only can it be a pain to treat, but it can take a toll on you mentally. Though acne can feel isolating, it’s a lot more common than you think. In fact, it’s currently the most common skin condition in the United States, affecting up to 50 million people a year.

Cases of acne can be mild or severe depending on your genetics, hormone levels, age, sex, and the medications you take on a daily basis, and there are a variety of effective treatments available. Bear in mind, treatments aren’t a quick fix — they do require time and consistency in order to work, so be cognizant that they won’t clear your blemishes overnight.

There are plenty of proactive and positive ways to take control of your acne. Ahead, we break down some encouraging ways to prevent acne from getting you down, discuss some helpful acne management tips, and give you some wellness hacks to keep in mind as you treat acne.

Getting acne treatment

While acne care greatly depends on the severity of your breakouts, there are treatment options for everyone experiencing acne. It can be as simple as using a topical treatment containing benzoyl peroxide, or may be more complicated and require a visit to a dermatologist.

Be patient with treatment

While acne treatments can help clear your breakouts, be aware that patience and consistency is key. It’s important to consistently use medications and treatments, and to consult with a dermatologist to determine which course of action is right for you.

Avoid picking or scrubbing the outbreak

As tempting as it is to pop or pick at large pimples, doing so can be counterproductive. Frequently touching your face – including picking, popping, or squeezing your zits – can make them worse. Unwashed hands can spread bacteria to your pores and cause new breakouts to form.

Self-care tips

Acne can feel isolating, but it’s important to remember that you are not alone. The internet is a great place to connect with individuals just like yourself where you can share your own experiences, feelings, treatment, tips, and suggestions. A little self-care can go a long way as well.

Lower your stress level

Stress levels can have a major impact on acne. When we are stressed, our body is triggered to produce androgens, a hormone that stimulates oil and hair production in the body. When too many androgens are produced, the excess oil they produce can linger on the skin and can clog pores, leading to more breakouts. To keep androgens in check, exercising regularly can help. Exercising in moderation can regulate sleep and stress levels that cause pimples and blemishes to form.

Take care of yourself (health/diet)

Diet is also said to impact acne formation, however, research on this topic is still underway.

Thankfully, there are studies that suggest there are diets that can help improve acne. A low-glycemic-load diet is said to improve symptoms of acne vulgaris. Examples of low-glycemic foods to include into your diet are fresh vegetables, some fresh fruits, beans, and steel-cut oats.

The bottom line

Yes, it’s easy for acne to get you down. However, as acne is one of the most common skin disorders, know that there are millions out there just like you. Thankfully, acne treatments have changed for the better — there are plenty of topical and oral treatments available. It’s important to consult with a dermatologist to find out which treatment method is best suited for your needs, but keeping stress under control, exercising regularly, and eating right can make a major difference.